Our Branches

Harei Yehuda Branch
Established in 2019, our flagship branch is located in the Judean Hills of Tzur Hadassah on the premises of Havat Harei Yehuda Horse Stables. This charming location is in close proximity to Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and Beit Shemesh, making our program accessible to a wide range of locations. Surrounded by verdant views and cultivated horticulture, our pastoral setting is an integral part of Beit Daniella's healing experience. Animals are a natural part of our landscape; in addition to our trademark horses and dogs, there are cats, goats, chickens, parakeets and peacocks roaming the Beit Daniella grounds!
In keeping with our community oriented and integration focused approach, Beit Daniella is located in an existing stable that is open to the public for lessons and therapeutic horseback riding.
Our Tzur Hadassah branch combines the healing properties of nature with openness, connection and integration to community.
Southern Branch
Set to open in September 2024, Beit Daniella's Southern Branch is located in a lovely space on Moshav Shibolim, situated near Netivot and on the periphery of the Gaza envelope communities. With a focus on trauma treatment, Beit Daniella's Southern branch is designed to provide a critical therapeutic framework to treat, rehabilitate and reintegrate southern youth back into their lives, schools and communities in the aftermath of October 7th.
Our space in Shibolim combines the raw beauty of the Southern landscape, primarily the rustic feel of Moshav life combined with modern, cutting-edge facilities.
On the premises there is a beautiful expanse of outdoor spaces, combined with horticulture and a customized therapeutic dog kennel, and plenty of space for continued planting and development.