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Our Program

Beit Daniella is an intensive short term, 4 to 6 month transition program. The program combines education, a variety of individual and group treatments, practical responsibilities and skills for coping and functioning. Located in a pastoral setting with an emphasis on animal therapy, Beit Daniella’s holistic program is comprised of the following elements:

Personalized Treatment Plan

Social Life

Equine Therapy

Gradual Community Integration

Nature as Healer

Therapeutic Kitchen

The Power of the Group

Alumni Program

Learning Center

Canine Assisted Therapy

Parents as Primary Caretakers

A Day in the Life

Beit Daniella runs from 8:00-3:00, five days a week. The students’ first responsibility is to care for the primary needs of the therapeutic dogs in the kennel - cleaning, feeding, checking on their health, and walking them to get much-needed fresh air and exercise. The rest of the morning is dedicated to studies. Aimed at building confidence and closing knowledge gaps incurred by illness, hospitalization, and/or the inability to function, our individualized study program takes place in small groups and one-on-one. On a rotation, students prepare breakfast and lunch, thus acquiring basic life skills, and healthy attitudes to food and nutrition while building relationships with staff members.  After lunch, the schedule varies, with each day focusing on a different therapeutic intervention group; horseback riding, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), art therapy, dog training, and life skills. At the end of the day, the students come together for a daily wrap-up to summarize the day and raise awareness of successes and challenges encountered.

Information for Candidates

?Would you like to apply to Beit Daniella

Please review this checklist to determine whether your son/ daughter is suited to our program. 

Is your son or daughter:

  Between the ages of 13-18 (8th-12th grade)?

  Struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, OCD, or an eating disorder?

✔  In need of a short-term, non-traditional structure for rehabilitation in order to return to school?

✔  Post-hospitalization?  At home but has limited daily functioning and/or is unable to attend school?

  Motivated for recovery and interested in returning to functional life?

✔  Mature enough to engage in the therapeutic process?

 Living at home and supported by parents/guardians who are willing to play an active role in his or her recovery?  

✔  Living within driving distance of Tzur Hadassah?

 If you answered yes to all the above, please call or WhatsApp us at 055-551-5788.

* If your son or daughter is suffering from:
A neurodevelopmental disorder including intellectual disability and autism, active substance abuse disorders, life-threatening self-harm or active suicidal ideation, or a severe eating disorder that requires close supervision, Beit Daniella is not suited for him/her. 

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